Shri. P. Paiwang Konyak
Minister, Health & Family Welfare

Shri. V. Kezo
Commissioner & Secretary

Dr. E. Motsuthung Patton
Principal Director, Health & Family Welfare

Dr. Akaba Jamir
Principal, Para Medical Training Institute
Principal Message
I have the greatest pleasure in expressing my thoughts as the Principal of Para Medical Training Institute Kohima. Our institute is one of the oldest Government run Para Medical Training Institute in the North Eastern Region of the country.
The mission of the institute is to provide excellent knowledge as well as rigorous training that will prepare the students learn the latest Lab diagnostics techniques and challenges.
Our aim is to educates and produce quality Laboratory Technicians. Our students are being taught by well experienced faculty members whose topmost priority is to impart value-based education.
I welcome you to our PMTI Kohima family and look forward to your valuable association with us for a better tomorrow. Your experience at PMTI Kohima will not only earn you a diploma but rather empower you to lead a successful life holistically.